K-12 Tutoring

Personalised tutoring for English, Math and Science.

K-12 private tutoring programs

  • Tutoring for primary school students

    We provide tutoring for primary school students from grades 2 to 6. We offer private 1 to 1 tutoring for primary school students with programs that follow the New South Wales and Australian National Curriculum.

    We also provide small group tutoring for primary school students. These group classes are capped at 10 so the students can easily access the tutor.

  • Tutoring for secondary school students

    We provide tutoring for secondary school students from grades 7 to 12. We offer private 1 to 1 tutoring for secondary school students with programs that follow the New South Wales and Australian National Curriculum.

    We also provide small group tutoring for secondary school students. These group classes are capped at 10 so the students can easily access the tutor.

Private, special education and small group tutoring

  • Private 1 to 1 tutoring

    Want private tutoring for your child? We offer private 1 to 1 tutoring for students in grades K-12 with programs that follow the New South Wales and Australian National Curriculum.

  • Special Education

    We work with all types of learners and understand the importance of working together with the person's support systems including allied health professionals so that we can assist students on their educational journey.

  • Small group tutoring

    We provide small group tutoring for primary and secondary school students. These group classes are capped at 10 so the students can easily access the tutor.

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