Private tutoring

Private 1 to 1 tutoring for students in grades from K-12.

Private 1 to 1 tutoring

  • Personalised learning

    Get a personalised tutoring plan that caters to the needs of your child.

  • Quality tutors

    Passionate tutors that care about your child’s progress.

  • Detailed resources

    Receive comprehensive resources that are created by qualified educators.


Tutoring that suits your child

Our philosophy is that building rapport with your child is important as it creates a safe space where they can ask questions freely without fear of judgement. We make sure to cater to the needs of each individual and ensure they feel supported every step of the way.


Private or small group tutoring

Want private tutoring for your child? We offer private 1 to 1 tutoring for primary school students in grades 2-6 with programs that follow the New South Wales and Australian National Curriculum.

Learn study habits to succeed in school and beyond


Study skills for students

We teach your child how to:

  • Build their organisation skills

  • Work to a deadline

  • Develop a personalised study plan


School readiness programs

We teach your child:

  • How to easily transition into school

  • Phonic awareness

  • Fine-motor skills

  • Name writing

  • Letter and number recognition

Qualified tutors



We provide English tutoring for primary school students based on the New South Wales and Australian National Curriculum. This includes focusing on spelling, comprehension, reading, writing as well as fine tuning these skills and accelerating students that are up for the challenge. As well as this, we assist in exam preparation and study skills. The classes are run as both private and small group lessons that cater to students’ individual needs and learning styles.


We offer mathematics tutoring for primary school students based on the New South Wales and the Australian National Curriculum in the specialised programs that we have created. We cater for students of all ages and abilities as well as accelerating the students that are up for the challenge. Our aim is also to catch the students who have fallen through the gaps of the school system. We aim to build their confidence as well as build on their mathematics ability.


Stress less during exams

Learn how to study smart and succeed at school